George Randell Primary is a proud Primary School on the Western side of the Buffalo River.Our school is 109 years old and was named after a well-known and respected advocate, George Randell.
The schools Motto is Nulli Secundus which means “Second to None”, to be the best.
I can honestly say that we strive to be Second to None in all spheres of education. We believe in a holistic approach when we think education and therefore can focus on building a Value driven school to teach our children real values as an important part of their education.
We have a dynamic staff and our expectations for our teachers as well as our children are high.
We compete with the best on all levels and I believe that in some areas we have become a force to be reckoned with.
We place a lot of emphasis on being a family caring for each other and to support one another.
We are very proud of who we are and we believe that we will grow from strength to strength and be the best we can be.
Once a Georgie, always a Georgie!
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